
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Opposition Teacher Pt 1

Knowing and understanding the purpose of an IEP became one of my greatest tools. It gave my son a chance to showcase his strengths instead of constantly being judged solely on first impressions. By his 4th grade year, due to patience and hard work, his silent reading and comprehension skills had improved tremendously. He was tested and proved he could read and follow directions and complete all grade level assignments with a passing score. I couldn’t have been more proud.
During the IEP meeting, I opted to have my son placed in a regular-ed class setting given a few provisions. One provision was that he would have an assistant teacher in class with him. This person would be in charge of helping with or explaining classwork or directions that he may not have fully understood upon instruction. That way, the teacher wouldn’t feel the need to stop class or slow down instruction just for him. The assistant would also work as a sort of translator for my son, as his verbal skills still needed much improvement. By the end of the meeting, we all agreed that this would be a great opportunity for him. I remember going home that evening beaming with delight. I already knew he would ace this challenge from working with him daily at home. A few days later, however, I receive a disturbing phone call. Unfortunately, someone didn’t share my belief in my son’s capabilities. They verbally stated that they assumed my son would be a burden on their time and beneath their credentials. They made it very clear that they wanted no involvement in his education. Who was this person you ask? None other than the 4th grade teacher he was being assigned to.
pic provided by As a parent, guardian, advocate, or loved one of a student with autism, how would you have handled this?


  1. They would not have liked what I had to say to them. I know you handled this much better than I would have. How can you just dismiss someone or something without even giving it a try.

  2. Trust Me, it was very difficult NOT to lose my cool in this situation.
