
Thursday, August 13, 2015

No Shot for this Tot

There was one thing more sensitive than touch to my son and that was pain. Once he could walk and then run, a trip to the doctor’s office became a mini marathon up and down the hallway. One day I decided to bring my brother along. I explained to him that his nephew was scheduled for a shot so this wasn’t going to be easy. Fast forward to the three of us waiting in the room for the nurse to come in with the needle. I told my brother to hold him tight because he’s very strong when he’s afraid. My brother assured me that he had everything under control. In walks the nurse, who was already familiar with my son, so she knew she had to act fast. When she rubbed his arm with the alcohol, he started trying his best to break free. When she leaned in with the needle, somehow my son broke away from my brother. He then took the needle from the nurse, stuck my brother with it and ran out the door down the hallway!! HILARIOUS!! Of course I immediately retrieved my son and he did have to get his shot. But he definitely left us with one heck of a story to tell for years to come 

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