
Monday, December 14, 2015

Chivalry Is NOT Dead

I’ve heard doctors tell myself and other parents of autistic children that the possibility of them being able to properly express and comprehend emotion was slim to none. Boy were they wrong! I’ve had numerous stories shared with me proving the contrary and my son was no exception. This particular story was shared with me by one of his counselors at the time. I believe my son was around 9 or 10 years old when this occurred. A new student was placed in his classroom during the middle of that school year. This young lady was not only new to the school but she was also new to the state! One day, she expressed to their teacher that she felt out of place. She hadn’t made any new friends and was having a hard time adjusting. That afternoon, right before lunch, my son walked over to her desk and extended his hand! In a shy manner, he asked if he could walk with her lunch. She accepted and he escorted her.
Although he never ate the school lunch, he sat with her and escorted her back to class afterwards. From then on, she referred to him as her boyfriend.
I was so tickled and delighted. They were lunch buddies for the rest of that school year. I’m so proud my son is a person who listens and responds to an individual in need with kindness.

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