
Monday, September 28, 2015

Headstart pt. 1

I put my son in a public school Headstart program. I figured since he was reading so well at home that school would be a great thing for him. I thought that being around other kids his age would make him open up more. I was so proud to see my little man with his backpack on walking in a straight line to class with the other students. However, it wasn’t long before I got a phone call from one of his teachers. She said my son wasn’t talking at all. He wouldn’t even say his name when asked. Now I knew he could read and say his name because I taught him that at home. So I said to give him some time and maybe he’s just shy. After some time, there was still no change. I decided to spend the mornings in class with him. He stuck to me like glue too! One day out of the blue, he decides he’s gonna talk in class. He started spelling then reading the names of students at his table from their place-mats. At first, it was only loud enough for me to hear so I called his teacher over. He began spelling and reading a few names for her too. She was in shock and so were his classmates! They all lined up with their place-mats in hand so that he could read them. I’m not sure what changed that day for him but I couldn’t have been more proud. 

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