
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Potty Mouth Mom

Between the ages of 4 & 6, my son and I spent a lot to time at the beach. He loved the beach and it was good for the both of us to get away from the city. Side note: I was a young mother and my vocabulary included a few choice words. It was nothing to hear me curse in a good conversation or joke among friends.
OK,back to the beach. Although my son wasn’t a swimmer,he still enjoyed the water. His favorite thing to do was to chase the tide out to sea and run back as it came in. Well, this particular evening, he just wasn’t fast enough. The water went over his head forcing him face first into the sand! I picked him up and brushed him off. I asked him if he was OK and he shook his head yes. We sat on the beach for a little while longer before deciding to leave. On the walk back to our room, I asked him if he wanted to chase the water again, I was expecting him to shake his head no but instead I got a response I’ll never forget. “Oh Hell No,” is what he said,with a straight face! Looking into his eyes, I KNEW he understood what he was saying and I understood he was serious. 
P S He loves it when I tell this story!! :-)

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