
Monday, September 28, 2015

The Great “Ta Va” Mystery

My son wasn’t very good at talking but at least he was trying. At this time, he was between 2 and 3 yrs old. We were living in an apartment with a roommate who was also my best friend. One evening my son approached us and said “ta va”. Now we were dumbfounded. We had no idea what he was trying to tell us. So we started pointing at things like the TV, his favorite video tape and his toys. None of those things happened to be “ta va”. So my friend picked him up and we walked around the apartment trying to find what he wanted. From the bedrooms to the living room, still no “ta va”. When we made our way to the kitchen, my son started to smile. We had to be close! We opened all the cabinets. He pointed to one in particular so we took him to it. “Ta Va” he shouted while pointing to a box of strawberry pop tarts! “Ta Va” was pop tarts!! Mystery Solved 

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