
Monday, September 28, 2015

In The Beginning

I remember my son not talking much around age 2 like other kids his age. I’m not sure what happened but that’s when everything got complicated. Being a young mother, I had no idea what autism was or that-that was what my son was dealing with. I remember seeing the “hooked on phonics” commercials around that time thinking to myself “what a great idea”. So I made my own flashcards of letters and sounds. I worked with my son every day. It was so hard at first. I actually thought he was just being stubborn. I was hard on him at times. Looking back on it, I truly regret those hard times. I forgive myself though, because I had no clue what I was dealing with. There was a bright light at the end of this dark tunnel. My son learned how to read!! I was very excited and proud of that. However, what I didn’t know and later found out was that although he could read, there was little to no comprehension of what he had read. 

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