
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Positive Male Role Model Needed

By the time my son was entering third grade, I noticed a change in him. He had more attitude and was more defiant at times. I realized that school was a bit stressful for him because he was different but it was more to it than that. My son’s father was absent from his life. A part of me will always wonder if it was because he couldn’t handle what came with raising a child with autism. I began to realize that a positive male influence was needed. There was only one male special education teacher working at the school within my son’s grade level. I arranged a meeting with him and expressed my concerns. At that time in my life, it was hard for me to open up to anyone especially a stranger. However, I knew I needed the help. Fortunately, I went to the right person. He understood exactly where I was coming from and what I was dealing with. He had taught children like mine for many years and was willing to take on one more. I Swear within a week of my son being in his classroom, I noticed a huge change. It was a positive change. I am so glad I was able to recognize what my son needed at the time and found it. I will forever be thankful to that teacher as well. It was one experience that showed me I can’t do it all, but there is nothing wrong with looking for positive reinforcements. 

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